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Selaks The Taste Collection Tropical Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Tropical Sauvignon Blanc, packed with juicy citrus flavours. Layer in passionfruit and melon undertones and you get a flavour explosion waiting to happen. Definitely a wine to delight your friends with.

Shingle Peak Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Bright, pure, well-etched fruit defines this delicious wine. Bursts of lemon and lime, peach and ripe apple are almost jammy, punctuated by high acidity, which heightens the spicy palate. A dollop of sweetness completes the package.

Squealing Pig Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Squealing Pig Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is brimming with tropical fruit flavours of pineapple, passionfruit and citrus.

Stoneleigh Lighter Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

As Winemakers, Stoneleigh are able to capture the natural early ripening characteristics of the Rapaura sub-region appellation, harvesting the grapes early with a full flavour profile to make a range of wines that are 25% lower in alcohol. This wine opens with bright aromas of grapefruit and capsicum, which follow through to the palate, joined by gooseberry, passionfruit and lime flavours. The wine is refreshingly dry, yet soft and approachable; light in body and big on flavour, with crisp lime notes, lasting long on the finish.

Stoneleigh Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

In Stoneleigh's Marlborough vineyards, sunstones absorb sunshine during the day, radiating heat onto the vines at night, resulting in their distinctly vibrant wines. Stoneleigh Sauvignon Blanc displays fresh and varietally true aromas of passionfruit and cut grass. On the palate, vibrant citrus fights to burst through before a succulent and crisp finish. Intensely fruity and very drinkable, this wine is a terrific aperitif and also pairs deliciously with seafood.

Te Kairanga Tk Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Harmonious, lifted aromas full of tropical fruits, melon and nectarine, balanced by floral and herbal notes.

Te Mata Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant guava and vibrant passionfruit on the nose give way to gooseberry, coriander and aniseed on the palate - rich, complex botanicals that add alluring detail to this wine.

Te Whare Ra Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

TWR's aim with this, their classic style of Sauvignon Blanc, is to put 100% effort into making a wine that silences all the doubters and which restores faith in this region and the amazing quality of the wines from here. This Sauvignon Blanc is a blend from specially selected vineyards in two different sub-regions of Marlborough and is all grown and made by The Flowerday Family.

The Ned Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Sauvignon Blanc - Punchy aromatics of lemon and lime citrus with undertones of juicy tropical fruits, fill the nose. Plush on the palate, showing juicy grapefruit freshness with lively acidity carrying these classical Waihopai Valley characters to a lengthy finish.

Thornbury Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Blessed with a cool climate, abundant sunshine and free draining soil, the Marlborough wine growing district is world-renowned. Thornbury's vineyards located in the Wairau and Awatere valleys, produce Sauvignon Blanc that is attracting international acclaim for their vibrancy and freshness.

Tohu Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Sourced entirely from vineyards located in Southern Marlborough's spectacular Awatere Valley, this vibrant wine displays aromas of citrus zest and vibrant tropical fruit with notes of fresh spring herbs complemented with hints of orange blossom and lemongrass. The palate is layered with flavours of juicy ripe lemon and lime, sweet fresh pineapple and crunchy green apple. This seamless wine has outstanding fruit concentration and a zesty underlying minerality that leads to a pure, lively and focused dry finish.

Two Rivers Convergence Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Bright straw in colour, this energetic sauvignon blanc has explosive aromatics of paw paw, Kaffir lime, capsicum, and stone fruit that mingle with subtle notes of coconut and dill. Dry and reminiscent of highball gin and tonic, persistent flavours of blackcurrant, banana passionfruit, cucumber, and green olive are revealed alongside bright, mouth-watering acidity. The distinctive palate has an elegant structure and a bright, pure finish.
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