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Ara Single Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

Delicate floral aromas pair with rich, dark fruit notes of cherry, boysenberry, and blackberry - followed by just a hint of spiced clove and cinnamon. A rich palate, with ample fine, chalky tannin gives structure and length to this wine, while balanced acidity lends energy and elegance.

Ara Single Estate Rosé 750ml

This vegan-friendly Marlborough Rosé shows alluring red fruit aromas of strawberries and raspberries, with hints of ginger and blossom in the background. The palate is intriguing, berry fruit flavours make way for subtle notes of ginger. The wine is balanced by juicy crispness, on a dry finish.

Ara Single Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Refreshing passion fruit and grapefruit aromas interplay with green notes of capsicum and fresh herbs. On the palate, citrus, blackcurrant and tropical fruit flavours fill the palate to create a wine that's gracious with a deliciously crisp, dry finish. This aromatic Sauvignon Blanc shows classic Marlborough purity, with wonderful acidity.

Arrogant Frog Croak Rotie Shiraz 750ml

Spicy at first with leather notes. It develops blackcurrant and toasted aromas. Full bodied, smooth tannins, a crisp acidity.

Arrogant Frog Lily Pad Pinot Noir 750ml

A medium bodied wine, with ripe tannins and acidity which testify his capability to age. It develops very delicate aromas and a long lasting finish.

Arrogant Frog Ribet Pink Rosé 750ml

A rich and well structured Rosé, with fruity characters of red fruits and spring flowers.

Ata Rangi Pinot Noir 750ml

Arguably New Zealand's finest Pinot Noir, certainly if track records are taken into account, Ata Rangi have been doing Pinot Noir better and for longer than anyone. An incredibly consistent wine since the early 1980s, they've had a dream run even by their lofty standards with four of the finest vintages ever in succession.

B&B Big & Buttery Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

An opulent, oaky, buttery and toasty styled Chardonnay created with 100% oak barrel fermentation, 100% malolactic fermentation and oak aged in a mix of French and American oak.

Babich Hawke's Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 750ml

Working with two of the world's great wine varieties grown in one of the world's great red wine regions provides a special foundation for any winemaker. The result is a full flavoured, deliciously indulgent, opulent and warm, dry wine, dark and sweetly fruited with a hint of blackberry and plum, with a big hit of cocoa on the finish. An ideal partner for an antipasto platter featuring a range of salami and smoked meats, or any meaty casserole, like lamb shanks.

Babich Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

Specially selected from two estate-owned Hawke's Bay vineyards, this unoaked Chardonnay offers a creamy palate with melon and peach flavours, without the intrusion of oak. It has a clean, dry finish.

Babich Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

Much has been said and written about the Gimblett Gravels area being fantastic for Syrah. Babich was a pioneer of this region and this wine comes from the famous Babich Irongate vineyard. It is an accessible middleweight Syrah that's big on berry fruit, sprinkled with spice and pepper.

Babich Irongate Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Cabernet Franc 750ml

Lifted aromas of red and dark fruits with a touch of vanilla and dried herbs. Spicy fruit cake with soft coating tannins and leather notes, texturally it's dense and fleshy with lingering fruit. This is serious wine of complexity and charm.
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