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Ormond Rich Ruby Port 750ml

Made in the style of ruby port, this smooth textured wine captures the intense flavours of sun-ripened grapes.

Penfolds Club Tawny 750ml

In 1844 Christopher Rawson Penfold planted vines on the slopes of Magill to produce fortified wines. Penfolds is now proud to present a range of fortified wines that is a continuation of over 150 years of winemaking tradition and represents the finest collection of wines in this style in Australia. For nearly 60 years Penfolds Club has been Australia's favourite choice of Tawny. Beginning life as Penfolds Five Star Club Tawny in the 1940's, this wine has grown into Australia's No, 1 fortified wine bottle, Penfolds Club continues to offer the same quality and value for money as always.

Penfolds Father Grand Tawny 10YO 750ml

The Father Grand Tawny Port is a superb blend of tawny ingredients, matured in oak barrels for a guaranteed minimum average of 10 years. It has an exceptional balance of oak and fruit, lingering on the palate before a clean, tight finish.

Penfolds Grandfather Rare Tawny 750ml

With each vintage, varietal batches are selected for Grandfather. These batches are individually aged in seasoned old oak casks before being blended together at 14 years of age. This blend is then introduced into the 'Grandfather Solera'. This Solera consists of six stages that are designed to fully integrate all components offering consistency and freshness with a final minimum average blended age of 20 years. Deep amber/mahogany in colour with green-gold tinges, this is a blend of the finest old tawnies. The palate shows classical Penfolds fruitcake, liquorice and vanillin oak flavours with a sweet full and round mid-palate, and a finish that persists on and on.

Peter Lehmann The King Vintage Port 500ml

Deeply coloured with a bright purple hue. A bouquet of blackcurrant, Turkish delight and raspberry with nice lavender spice in the background. The palate has concentrated cassis, spice and subtle blackcurrant with lingering yet balanced sweetness.

Porto Cruz Tawny Port 750ml

Cruz Tawny is a Red Port with red berry notes that perfectly accompanies dried fruits, duck and melon.

Sandeman 20YO Port 750ml


Sandeman Founder Reserve Port 750ml

Descended from the fiery ruby Porto Wines originally shipped by George Sandeman in 1790, Sandeman Ports are still made traditionally to be rich and robust yet with a special depth of flavour and finesse.

Sandeman Ruby Port 750ml


Sandeman Tawny Port 750ml

Descended from the fiery ruby Porto Wines originally shipped by George Sandeman in 1790, Sandeman Ports are still made traditionally to be rich and robust yet with a special depth of flavour and finesse.

Sandemans 10YO Tawny Port 750ml


Taylor's 10YO Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is one of the oldest of the founding Port houses. It is dedicated entirely to the production of Port wine and in particular to its finest styles. Taylor's Port Wine since 1692.
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